A sure-fire sign of spring is the imminent arrival of the Prairie Crocus. After the ground has thawed, these tenacious little guys pop up once there have been a few days of fairly warm weather. We went out about a week ago now and found lots of them on the east side of the ravine over Wellington Park, up high in the virgin grassy meadow there.
Not only does this spot feature a sweeping panaramic view of Wellington Creek, you can see the lake to the north and Haberman's fields to the south.
Everybody, I'm sure, was happy to see the last bits of snow finally melt away after our brief heat wave of early last week. For a day or so, the temperatures soared to over 28 degrees Celcius. But it was not sticking around. A day or so later, the temp went back down to 10-12 degrees and now we are hearing that there is a winter storm warning that will probably dump up to 50 cms of wet snow on us this Saturday and Sunday.
This is, of course, great news for our farmer friends as long as it socks some good moisture in without delaying spring seeding...
Wonder what affect all this extra precip will have on lake levels?
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