After explaining the idea of working in tandem with the Mayor, Council and administration of The Resort Village of Little Manitou Beach, there were favorable and receptive comments made. It was agreed that there is a growing trend towards Councils working in co-operation with Environmental advisory groups to pull together on projects that underscore the importance of environmental stewardship.
It was pointed out that there is a conference coming to Manitou Beach on March 27th 2010 that is specifically geared towards this exact topic. There was interest expressed by Councilors in attending this conference, that will set out that process that is being undertaken by another Saskatchewan community to work together in this way.
The plan is for a MEGI delegation to attend this conference as a first step toward creating an atmosphere of joint stewardship of the very special ecosystem here at Little Manitou Lake.
More important than this, there was a general air of openness and positivity that was tangible in the Chambers. This leads me to believe that this really is a new era of enlightened leadership here at the Resort Village and for that I think we can be grateful.
MEGI's request for tangible support in the form of a written endorsement from Mayor and Council of our mandate was tabled and duly noted. I was left with the impression that this is a distinct possibility.
Should this occur, I feel that there is a great potential to work together where our respective mandates concerning the environment overlap. In my opinion, this spirit of co-operation is precisely what is needed for the organization to flourish.
Michael Gaudet
Manitou Envioronmental Group Incorporated
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