Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Brine Shrimp at Little Manitou Lake

So-called 'Little Manitou Lake' is actually an inland sea. A closed basin system. Fed by underground mineral springs. Spring run-off and annual rainfall are what generally maintain and sustain the water levels over the long-term. Evaporation is the only way that water can leave the basin. Manitou Sea (just my 'nick-name') is a Living Eco-System. The chemical balance of the mineral water is perfectly suited to brine shrimp.

Here's a microscopic close-up of the native species brine shrimp:

Normally, the brine shrimp are harvested every year at a sustainable level ( less than 3% of the population? will clarify...) Brine shrimp may be seen as the 'canary in the gold-mine'. This unique species thrives in a certain saline environment. If the chemical properties of the water were to change, the native species may be endangered. For example, in years of very high freshwater dilution, the shrimp has been seen to die off. Now, I am getting out of depth here. I will have to check my facts and go into this a bit more ASAP.

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