Monday, February 4, 2008

Thanks to MEGI Members!

There was a board meeting tonight and we decided to say a special "Thank-You" to our paid members for the year 2007. We are going to start publishing MEGI "FYI" notes in the local newspaper starting next week, so watch for that coming soon to The Watrous Manitou!

We are also going to publicize the blog address, so we'll look forward to hearing any comments or suggestion that our readers might have. This is a great way to share information and concerns that may arise over time.

We have decided to instigate a series of water tests at peak periods at known run-off zones, such as at the sewage/RO waste H2O lagoons; the east side of the lake where there may be run-off from the pig barns just north of there; and the far west side of the lake.

The results of these tests are going to made known to the public both through this blog and the FYI column we are launching (the plan is to publish a blurb right after every monthly Board meeting) so watch for that.

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